Guest Service Procedures
Due to COVID-19, we are taking additional steps to further ensure the safety of all guests, Future Professionals (students) and staff. Below you will find our new guest service procedures and precautions that will be implemented for all guest service appointments.
- If you feel sick or have been around others who are sick, please stay home! We will ask if you or a household member has experienced symptoms prior to entering.
- All who enter the school will be temperature checked with a non-contact thermometer. Those with a fever will not be permitted inside.
- Hand sanitizer will be available when entering and exiting the building.
- Appointments for guests must be pre-booked (no walk-ins).
- All staff, students, and guests will be provided with face masks upon entering the building and will be required to wear them while inside. Guests must wear face coverings with earloops, where possible, to ensure the face covering does not interfere with the hair service.
- Staff and students will wear gloves; new gloves will be used for each guest.
- Social distancing will be enforced. All individual workstations are separated by a minimum of six feet.
- Tape or other markings have been placed at least six feet apart in customer line areas on sidewalks or other walkways near public entrances with signs directing customers to use the markings to maintain distance.
- Customers are not permitted to bring their own bags, mugs, or other reusable items from home.
- Lucas-cide, which kill COVID-19, will be used throughout the school on frequently used hard surfaces.
- Stations, chairs, tools, capes, towels, etc. will disinfected before and after each service.