Paul Mitchell Partners With Bright Pink 2020
Every year Paul Mitchell The School Cleveland partners with Bright Pink, which is a nonprofit organization that focuses on women’s health. The why behind the partnership between Paul Mitchell The School Cleveland and Bright Pink is because we want to help spread Bright Pink’s mission: “Help save lives from breast and ovarian cancer by empowering women to know their risk and manage their health proactively.” Here at Paul Mitchell The School Cleveland we have our own cancer survivor, Sandra Franklin. Sandra is our placement leader and is a part of our Enrollment Team. She has been in the beauty industry for over 40 years and in the middle was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. Sandra is one of the strongest people we know and made a full recovery and still to this day is on a mission to help people find their true passion in the beauty industry. #PaulMitchellXBrightPink
How Can You help?
Join us this September and October to help spread awareness and raise funds to further Bright Pink’s mission for women’s health. Our goal in 2020 is to raise over $1,000 and to have 1,000 people complete the quiz on assessing your risk. We are going to achieve that by adding graphics to every station with the links to the quiz and donation pages, building a Bright Pink donation wall, share social media graphics on how and why you should be assessing your risk, selling Bright Pink shirts, encouraging Future Professionals (students) to wear pink and teal on Thursdays and Fridays for $2, and many other fun fundraising events! We encourage you to tag @pmtscleveland @bebrightpink and use the hashtag #PaulMitchellXBrightPink to share your story on why you want to help spread awareness for ovarian and breast cancer.
Assess Your Risk
The first step to helping is checking on yourself. Bright Pink offers a free quiz that you are able to take to assess your risk. Just text “PMAYR” to 59227. We challenge you to encourage your friends, family, and community to take this quiz and pass it on to help spread the awareness of women’s health. We have created a free Instagram Story graphic that you can add to your story and encourage others! You can also head over to our Instagram @pmtscleveland and check out more of our Bright Pink Stories under the “Bright Pink” highlight reel.

Share this graphic to your own Instagram page and tag 5 friends to encourage them to assess their risk and help spread awareness!
Participate In Fundraising
We will have different activities during the months of September and October you can find updated events here: bit.ly/EventsAndClassesCLE . We currently have the following fundraising events taking place:
- Every Thursday and Friday wear pink and teal for $2
- Bright Pink Shirts for sale for $15, see Steffiny Kersey at the school to purchase a shirt
Make A Donation
You can make a donation online or via text. Make your online donation using this link: bit.ly/paulmitchell_brightpink20 You can make a text donation by texting “Paul Mitchell” to 59227. With every donation made you will add your donation card to our Bight Pink wall that is set up right by the front desk.
Paul Mitchell and Bright Pink’s Partnership History
Our partnership with Bright Pink started in 2014 and since then we have continued to further the Bright Pink mission by raising over half a million dollars and helping over 1,000 women learn their personal cancer risk. In 2019 we exceeded our goal of raising $1,000 and we can’t thank our Staff, Future Professionals, and Guest enough for participating in our Bright Pink events and raising awareness for women’s health.