Paul Mitchell Schools Hold 10th Annual Ann Bowler Day
In 2010, Paul Mitchell Schools’ Dean and Cofounder Winn Claybaugh lost his good friend Ann Bowler. “Ann was 92 years old and an absolute joy to be around,” Winn said. “She was funny, witty, incredibly intelligent, politically and community active, and my best friend. During our time together, every time I asked Ann if there was anything I could do for her, her only response was, ‘Just be my friend.’”
Inspired by that simple request, Winn calls upon the Be Nice (Or Else!) Teams at his 100-plus Paul Mitchell Schools to hold #AnnBowlerDay each December. “I was very saddened by Ann’s passing, and when my heart aches the only thing I know to do is to get busy and give back,” Winn said.
For the 10th consecutive year, students and team members from Paul Mitchell Schools across America visited nursing homes and senior centers, singing Christmas carols, bearing small gifts, and offering mini manicures and hairdos.
Most important, they gave the gift of their time, providing love and companionship to their new friends and thanking the nurses, doctors, and caregivers who look after these beautiful people.
“Of all the people I could have taken as my date to the 2009 Paul Mitchell Schools FUNraising Gala, who did I want with me? My best friend, Ann Bowler,” Winn said. “She loved having her photo taken that night with John Paul DeJoria, Donny Osmond, Leeza Gibbons, and Larry King, and she was captivated by all the magic created by our Paul Mitchell Schools. I’m sure she would be very proud to see the magic our schools now create in her honor.”

Each school chooses its own date (near Christmas time), location, and activities. For more information about #PMTSAnnBowlerDay in your community, contact your nearest Paul Mitchell School.