Paul Mitchell Schools Honor First Responders on 9/11
Each year since the tragic attacks on September 11, 2001, participating Paul Mitchell schools across America have held some type of event in remembrance of the precious lives lost that day. Winn Claybaugh, dean and cofounder of the nationwide network, says, “The lesson we all learned from 9/11 was unity, and each year our Paul Mitchell Schools unite to show our appreciation, patriotism, and gratitude by planning something special in every school.”
Participating schools plan to host a variety of events, including fundraisers for local police, firefighters, their widows and orphans funds, and even for rescue dogs; and complimentary services (as permitted) for police, firefighters, military, and first responders. In addition, schools typically hold a special in-school or virtual tribute or memorial that week, with students and team members sharing stories of how the events of September 11 helped them improve their lives or become closer to their families.
“This year marks the 22nd anniversary of that fateful day,” Winn says. “We must commit ourselves to doing more each year to keep alive the lessons we’ve learned, in honor of the brave individuals who lost their lives or suffer from the after-effects of the rescue efforts. We think the best way to do that is to reach out locally and show our support for those wonderful people who keep our communities safe.”
On a national level, Paul Mitchell Schools have also partnered with the Gary Sinise Foundation since 2012 to support and thank our nation’s most severely wounded warriors while supporting active duty service members, veterans, first responders, and the children and families of our fallen. To date, through their annual FUNraising campaign, Paul Mitchell Schools have donated over $1 million to support the services such as building custom-designed smart homes for individuals like U.S. Army Master Sergeant Cedric King, who became a double amputee while serving in Afghanistan.
For information about 9/11 tribute events at a Paul Mitchell School, use our School Locator to find a school near you.
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